Update: Get Joey To Fringe Epilogue Fundraiser

Thanks to everyone who made the Get Joey to Fringe local fundraiser at Epilogue Books in Chapel Hill a smashing success on Saturday, June 17. I can’t believe I got to play for such an incredible audience of friends and loved ones (and local passersby) in a venue that is both gorgeous and comfortable. Kira and I moved to Chapel Hill in 2019, which means our ability to build community has sometimes felt difficult and fractured by the pandemic. But seeing Epilogue filled with so many people who love and care about us made me realize that while the journey has been different than I expected, I’m surrounded by a community of incredible humans. I am so happy to share my life with you all.

Joey Cougar and the Starfish haven’t played in front of a live audience for almost 14 years! Thanks to Stephen “Long Cold” Winters (bass) and Harris “Chilly” Winters (drums) for learning the songs, making them their own, and adding some sweet grooves.

We raised almost $2,000 from the local fundraiser, which is overwhelming and appreciated deep in my heart. It puts me so much closer to my total fundraising goal and because of it, I now have the funds to fully cover my venue rental at Fringe!!

There’s still a little ways to go to get to my goal, and just a couple weeks before my June 30 deadline. Please donate if you can, share with friends and family who can donate (or who want to support some queer blasphemy across borders), or pass around a tip jar to random strangers and send the cash to North Carolina. Thanks for however you want to support.

I’m so close to having the funds I need to make the dream of taking Breaking Up With Jesus to Fringe a reality!! Check out some photos from the show on Instagram.